Monday, December 3, 2007

100% Puppy!

Sanders is now 100% puppy! He is a little ball full of energy wrapped into 11 pounds of fur!

We went to the orthopedic doggie doc on Thursday, and she said he would be just fine and that we just have to exercise his leg and get it all stretched out. Of course, that cost me $200 for her to give him a clean bill of health...guh. Whoever thought a pet could be so expensive?!

We went to Grandma Thackery's for the weekend. Tony went out and chopped wood while Sanders and I played with Grandma, Payton, Amanda and Bekah. He also has learned a couple of new commands! Sanders now can BEG and CRAWL and STAY! So, that brings him up to a total of 6 commands (SIT, DOWN and SHAKE are the others).

We worked on Stay a lot this weekend. It was the perfect opportunity with so many kids running around him as a distraction. The neighbor kids even got in on the fun of it.

So, as a reward, we took Sanders out back and played with him with a Frisbee grandma had given him.

He loved it because he could stick his head through it....then he stuck his foot through it....then he was stuck...and couldn't get it off...but could run. Check out the funny videos:

Of course, with all the good behavior and learning this weekend, came this morning. I'm in my office working, and I hear the Cat's toy being dragged around through the hallway. I went out to see Gizzy....and found Sanders instead. He KNOWS he is not supposed to go into the hallway. And he also ate ALL the cat's food [which is a hairball prevention type food]. At least we know Sanders won't get a hairball now. Sanders is just WOUND up today. Hopefully a walk will chill him out a little!

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