Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Colts games, sheep herding and Gigantic Monuments!

Sanders is loving to stick his head out of the window more and more as we take trips places. We think it is because it is the one time his vision is not impaired. See our not-so-aerodynamic pooch:

Our friends, Kim and Andy, invited us to attend the Colts last preseason game at Lucas Oil Field in Indianapolis. WOW! The stadium is AMAZING! We were still about 4 blocks away when we snapped this picture:
Tony and his friends bought a brick outside of the stadium this year.

We didn't think we'd get to see too many of the main Colts team playing..but they were there and down on the field. Here is our hero...Bob Sanders:

And here is Peyton just warming up:

Here is Tony enjoying the breeze from the open window at the North end of the stadium:Kim and Andy during the game:

The lights as we were leaving the stadium:

This past week, I was on the road a lot. I traveled to St. Louis and en route, saw the LARGEST crucifix I've ever seen. It was easily 3 times the height of a semi truck! I had to laugh when I saw this thing! It is just outside of Effingham, Illinois on I-70.

Then in St. Louis, I drove by the St. Louis Arch...another huge monument! I had to laugh again! The I headed to Louisville, but unfortunately do not have the third in the trifecta of gigantic monumants photographed. There, I saw the HUGE bat sitting outside of the Louisville Slugger Museum. The bat is like 5 stories tall. I think more people in the world need to make these huge monuments. Who doesn't like unneccessary over the top super sized stuff?

This week we have been teaching Sanders a new command for the Colts first regular season game. The command is HIGH FIVE. See how cool he looks when he does it on game day :

We watched our first regular Season Colts game together cheering on Bob Sanders. This was in the first quarter, when we could still think there was hope:

I think I have decided what I'll be for Halloween. Little Bo Peep. Seriously, I think this was #2024 on my list of "things I never imagined I'd end up doing". Herding sheep....Really? As a shepherdess? Get Real...yet I did it (Herding stick and all), and plan to do it some more. It is so funny to watch a dog, who has been genetically bread since like 900AD, do what he was designed to do! It kind of plays to my interest in genetics...but as our loyal subscribers know, there is no way we can pass along his genes...so if he ends up being the best herder dog ever..it will end with him. And he will live in infamy....*smack* OK wait, back to reality. Like I mentioned before, Sanders loved the first sheep herding class. We went to Stockdog University in Muncie. Ferreh (who runs the place) is so good!! We decided to go back the next day so that Tony could see him run around. He was so excited to do it, but after getting a little too close to the sheep, we whacked him on the nose...so he decided to go off and pout for a few minutes. He was trying to figure out what he had done wrong...and he did figure it out. He now knows not to run the sheep INTO the fence, just around inside of it.

Here is Sanders getting ready to go into the sheep pen:

Sanders running after sheep:


Anonymous said...

i love bob sanders...and i can't believe that you got to get that close/see him...i am geliss....(sorry if i spelled that wrong...) and ya....*sigh*....well hope that you are doing ok...and tell sanders that i said hey...and tell tony....hey for me to..and if tony is reading this then tell jen i said hey....also gizzmo.....lol...(can't forget anyone sence your family is growing.....lol even more)..
well got to go....love you guys....

your best niece,
amanda d.

Anonymous said...

dude those r some pretty sweet pics! lolz...i like the 1s of bob sanders and payton manning! ttly aswome!!!! lolz!! wish i coulda gone w/ u guys! hahahaha

Anonymous said...

o ya i forgot.....2 say hay 2 every1......well hay im @ school rite now and my frined angelica says hey 2....so bye 4 now!!

Anonymous said...

Sanders job well done. I knew you could do it. Grandma will go with you when you go sheep herding sometime just call Grandpa and Grandma and we will go see you . When are you coming over and play with Grandpa? Love you lots Grandma Bernice

Anonymous said...

hey...you need to add more to your blog some time....and how is sanders doing??? well i hope fine....and well talk to you tiny tony later bye...=]

=] stay happy =]

your fav. niece,

amanda jean =]