Tuesday, June 2, 2009


It all started about 3 month ago, when I gave Sanders a big meaty bone from the cow we had butchered w/Tony's family. Sanders was in COMPLETE euphoria! He loved that bone. So much that he took it outside and dug a hole and buried it. It was so funny to watch him look around to make sure no one was watching him. If he thought someone was...he'd walk away nonchalantly and act like he was up to nothing but hanging out. Me, being the sneaky human I am, watched him bury this first behind our neighbor's shed. Then I watched him move it to our flower bed...where it sat until about a week and a half ago.

Sanders decided it was time to get this deliciuos morsel out of hiding. So he did. And on an evening where we sat out with our awesome neighbors and ate pizza on their patio...he hung out in the yard and munched on his treasured bone. Actually, he munched on it so much, that there was nothing left of this bone the size of my 2 fists put together. Needless to say.....at about 3 in the morning, Tony got up and heard the dog puking. He puked for an hour and a half. Then Sanders kept puking in the morning. Poor little guy! With it being memorial day weekend, I decided after he puked again at 8:30AM and the fact he looked horrible...that I should take him to the vet to make sure there wasn't any kind of a blockage.

The vet agreed with me, that raw beef bones are fine for dogs......however, ones that have been sitting outside in the elements 'de-calcifying' end up letting the dog bite off more than he can chew...We took some x-Rays..and the little guy was fine...it was painful for a couple days as he pooped out completely dry poop with big chunks in it..but it serves him right!! :P

The vet did say that Sanders has very nice hip structure! HAHA! Also, it was funny to all of us to see how skinny Sanders really is! Enjoy these rare photos of Sanders!


Anonymous said...

There were no photoes of Sander with his hair cut. But Sanders looked nice with a hair cut we could see his feet and his eyes. Love you Sanders. Grandma Bernice

Anonymous said...

Sorry I saw the crib pictures and thought you had more pictures opf Sanders. I forgot you had the other ones of him with his hair until I had sent the comment. Love Grandma Bernice

apinsky said...

Poor Sanders!! Let's not make that same mistake twice!