Monday, July 27, 2009

Zac rolls over at 13 days old?!?

No, this wasn't a fluke! His umbilical cord stump fell off yesterday (on Day 12), so today was our first day to have some tummy time! I thought perhaps he just did it once as a fluke...but no, he did it over and over, and both to the right and to the left! Do kids do this this early?! AMAZING!


FLgirl said...

Awww!! That's great!! I have no idea if that's early, unfortunately, since I'm still kidless. :)

I still can't get over all that hair!! He's just adorable!

thalsey said...

What a STUD!!!

Ferreh Hiatt said...

You'd better bolt down the furniture with that little mover! I looked and my girls didn't roll over until 3 months! Maybe it's a boy thing... we found out we're having a boy too, so maybe I should start bolting down stuff too! Love the hair!

starfitch said...

Wowza! That is incredibly early for rolling. :-) Maybe he's going to save you a step, because he's rolling tummy to back first...when they roll back to tummy in their sleep they wake up MAD! Hope you are enjoying all the joy he's bringing!

Anonymous said...

awww...i can't wait to meet him agian! i miss you guys! and he is so darn cute!!!

#1 fan,
amanda jean

Jennifer said...

He is exceptional! I am pretty sure it is because he is MY nephew! :)

Anonymous said...

awWWWWW!! zac's sooo cute!!! luv u guys!