Thursday, November 1, 2007

Aaayyyyyeee Matey! I'm a pirate!

I knew I should've named the dog Captain Jack! I thought he might resemble him with his dreds when he got older; however, we see that destiny already had some thoughts on how naturally this name would fit. Our little guy looks like he is a pirate walking around on a wooden leg. Especially now as he is putting some weight on it! I couldn't resist, so I went out and bought him a pirate shirt so he could fit the part.

Yesterday was a good day with Sanders. We went on a couple of walks with the leash, and he did really really well! His progression can also be measured by the fact that he has not had an accident in the house in 5 days!! Could we be close to potty trained? Also, last night only boasted 5 minutes of crying before falling asleep. Until 3:30 when he woke up and barked a bit....but I think he was actually trying to tell me something..."Uh locked the cat outside last night!"

Doh! Yes, I am a HORRIBLE pet parent! Gizmo must've escaped to outside when I took Sanders out for his last duty before going to bed. I thought I heard a meow around 5AM this morning....and sure enough, he was waiting for me at the back door at 6AM. Then to top it off, Gizmo was standing beside me in the kitchen when I was making coffee....(which the cat NEVER comes out until 8PM), and I stepped on his toes!!!!! Am I destined to cripple all my pets? I swear I don't have a psychological disorder making me do this! Anyways...Gizzy is fine. Here he is after the long night/morning!

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