Monday, January 26, 2009

Gingerbread House competition!

My friend Mandy and I decided to build a Gingerbread house during the holidays to compete in the Hamilton County Library's Gingerbread house competition. There were about 40 entries. We won the blue ribbon for the Group division, and we also won People's Choice Award! Here are some pictures of our AWESOME gingerbread house. We may have to compete in the Conner Prairie Gingerbread house competition next year.

A couple of points about the house:
-There are pink ribbons on the back (I still have to upload these from my other camera). Those are for breast cancer awareness. Mandy lost her mom to breast cancer this past fall. The words inside the barn are "In Loving Memory of Denise"
-The theme is "Santa left his toys", so Mrs. Claus (dressed in pink) and the elf are waving up to Santa to bring him back
-There are hoof prints in the snow. Not sure you can make them out on these pictures.

-Notice the weathervane. All directions point south...that was Tony's idea!
-Everything on the house is edible!

And, since this blog is technically about he is making himself comfy under the Christmas Tree!


Jennifer said...

Hey! We would love for you to enter in our Gingerbread Village competition next year! Your house has really unique details! I can tell you put a lot of thought and work into it. Gingerbread Village will be open December 1-January 3, but keep checking our website,, for entry form due dates (they haven't been set yet).

Good work!!
Jenny Messmer
Conner Prairie Marketing Department

Anonymous said...

hey....*yummy*...gingerbread house!!! lol....hey thanks for showing me about the SOUTH am such a

amanda jean