Monday, January 26, 2009

Hannukah and Christmas time!

Our friends, Anat and Kevin, had a Hannukah party this year. I learned a lot about the Jewish traditions, including that Jelly Donuts are a tradition! My neighbor Brooke helped me make some of these yummy donuts to take to the party!Below are Brandi, myself and Anat at the Hannukah Party.

We spent Christmas Eve with our awesome neighbors, John and Judy, and their daughter Jenn, and their son Joe and his wife Stacey. We had great appetizers and soups!

I had to laugh when Tony got my brother in law a "Maajor Awaaard". Yes, the infamous leg lamp from "A Christmas Story". How hilarious!
Here are some pictures of Sanders having a great time on Christmas!

Somehow Sanders ended up getting gift wrapped during all the excitement of the day!
He loved visiting and playing with Richard and Kaleda.

Sanders got a new rope toy from grandma and grandpa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... dad is in here!!!!! and sanders is the 'favorite'

amanda jean